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Abhinav singh

Designer + Application, Website, and Blockchain

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End-to-End encryption chat App

Created an End-to-end encryption chat using the flutter(client-side) and django rest framework (server-side).

Spotify Clone

Created a spotify clone using blockchain and storing music files on the IPFS and the client side is working on Flutter.

Ethereum Wallet

Created an Ethereum wallet Cross-Platefrom Application using Flutter for the client side and using solidity Smart contract for the blockchain.

Voice Assistant Application

Created an voice assistant application using client side as Flutter and the for the modeling/Answering we use the OpenAI ChatGpt api.

Hi there

I’m Abhinav, currently I live in Pantnagar persuing my from Ece at Gbpuat Pantnagar. My projects include Cross-Plateform Application, Blockchain (web3 applications, Smart Contracts), and Restful-Apis using django. Being comfortable with code allows me to rapidly prototype and validate experiences. If you’re interested in the tools and software I use check out my Resume.

In my spare time I like to watching animes and listening music. I’m always down for hearing about new projects, so feel free to drop me a line.

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Me standing in front of the Torii on Miyajima, an island off the coast of Hiroshima in Japan